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Lens Data Comes Into Focus at DCS Seminar Hosted by CVP

London – On Wednesday, October 25th, 2023, Digital Camera Systems (DCS) hosted an insightful seminar at CVP’s newly opened Fitzrovia showroom to discuss the current and future applications of lens data in filmmaking.

The event saw enthusiastic engagement from a diverse group of professionals eager to learn about maximising production efficiency through advanced lens metadata workflows.

DCS showcased proven workflows for capturing robust lens data from analogue and smart lenses. Cinema cameras such as the RED V-Raptor and Sony Venice were on hand to demonstrate how lens data can be leveraged on set and delivered efficiently to post-production to facilitate VFX work.

Additionally, the metadata was seamlessly integrated into a virtual production ICVFX scene through Unreal Engine and Disguise utilising CVP’s state-of-the-art LED video wall. A particular highlight of the session, this allowed this cutting-edge technology to be showcased and explored in a friendly environment.

At the heart of it, audience members got up close and personal with the LDT system to really grasp how it can connect on-set technologies and pipelines to deliver on DCS’ promise to make all lenses smart.

The well-attended seminar sparked thought-provoking discussions around optimising lens data throughout the production cycle. Attendees asked discerning questions about integrating lens metadata into their specific camera workflows and post-pipelines.

By highlighting the benefits of leveraging lens data at every stage from pre-production to final delivery, DCS illuminated why these capabilities are becoming essential for modern filmmaking. The enthusiastic reception and conversations afterward revealed strong interest across disciplines in adopting technologies that enhance connectivity and efficiency on set.

DCS was grateful to CVP for organising and all those that attended this valuable interactive event. Based on extremely positive feedback, DCS and CVP are looking to run similar events in the future. If you missed out this time but would be interested in attending the next one, please get in contact at info@dcs.film and we’ll keep you updated.

For those that missed or can’t attend in the future, download a shortened PDF of the presentation here.

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